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Everyone at California Protons was great! Heartily recommend this treatment center.
Prostate Cancer
Treated by Carl Rossi, MD
Lung Cancer
Treated by Iain MacEwan, MD
Brain & Spine Cancers
Treated by Andrew Chang, MD
Treated by Ryan Grover, MD
Breast Cancer
Treated by James Urbanic, MD
Photo of yourself:
Doctor Name*Andrew Chang MDSteven Davis MDJohn Einck MDRyan Grover MDJona Hattangadi-Gluth MDAri Katerelos MDIain MacEwan MDLoren Mell MDA.J. Mundt MDBrent Rose MDCarl Rossi MDAjay Sandhu MDParag Sanghvi MDDaniel Simpson MDJames Urbanic MDCatheryn Yashar MDOther Cancer Type*BreastBrain & SpineColonEsophagealThroatLymphomaProstateBladderRectalLiverTongueSarcomaPediatricGastrointestinalAnalHead & NeckNasalTesticularLungStomachPancreatic & Bile DuctMouthThyroidRecurrent & Secondary
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